Monday, March 23, 2009

Just Because There Isn't Walls Doesn't Mean You Can't Decorate

I think I have mentioned this before, but in case I haven't, our basement is a work in progress. Brandon started the task of refinishing our basement almost immediately after moving in last November. He has done most of the work alone with a little little help from his dad and Mike. Every paycheck he makes a little more progress, and I am looking forward to the day when it is finally finished. Here are some pics to track the happenings in the downstairs...

This is the little storage area he created. To be honest, most of the stuff in this area is stuff we are saving for a garage sale this spring. I just love garage sales!

This picture shows the edge of the stairs coming downstairs from our dining room upstairs. The washer and dryer we got free from Mike's neighbors when they upgraded their own set- what a blessing! This area is connected to the little storage area in the picture above.

Of course Brandon had to build himself his own little work corner. At least I know where to put the crazy things he leaves laying around ; )

Then he had to install lights....lots of recessed lighting. The old fixture you can see in the corner now resides over in the storage space.

Then he had to install outlets and electrical switches to go with the lights- note the little blue boxes. If you peak down in the far corner you can see his projector screen already hanging up in the corner. We like it in this corner, so we can see it no matter where were are hanging out downstairs.

Then of course we needed an electric fireplace to keep us warm downstairs in the winter. In case you were wondering about the title of this post, I was referring to our LESLIE pictures already sitting on top of our new fireplace. My creative little sister, Kara, took pictures of random things that make the letters of our last name and gave them to us for Christmas. She came over last week and helped me frame them in frames I found half-off at Hobby Lobby. Once we get the stone work up behind the fireplace I will eventually hang them up on the wall. But for now, our unfinished basement has a little bit of decoration to spruce the place up!

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