Sunday, June 7, 2009

Doesn't Everyone Have Family Haircut Days?

Sorry, didn't mean to disapper from the blog world for so long. Time is passing by too quickly this summer. I have quite a few blogs I have been meaning to write. I will be satisfied to write this one before crashing tonight though. So...

I got my hair chopped of for Lock of Love. I had been growing it out for 4 years.
See, it was pretty long...
My aunt measured out a million little pony tails to 11 inches. It has to be 10 inches to donate. We did 11 to be on the safe side....

My aunt owns her own hair salon in a retirement village. She is an awesome hair dresser. It seriously is the best thing ever to have an aunt who does hair. We use and abuse her probably a little too much. Notice the short hair in this picture. We were goofing off under the dryers...
The funny thing about this evening is that we didn't really plan it. It just happened that some of our cousins wanted hair cuts the same night. See, here is Landon getting a summer buzz...
And Aunt Kelly, cousin McKenna, cousin Connor, and cousin Lauren...

And Uncle Vinnie and cousin Cayman munching on chips and queso from On the Border...yum!
It was like a family reunion at the hair salon. It was fun seeing everyone. I think we all enjoyed the unplanned get together. Well, maybe not Connor...

He isn't the biggest fan of scissors next to his head. I can't really blame him ; )


Lynn said...

Yay! you are back! I have to admit...I knew you were busy but I still checked the blog daily to see if you had updated! See you in a couple weeks!

Joi said...

That's awesome you were able to donate it all. So sweet.