1. I now know what it feels like to drive a on a VERY FLAT tire. Little did I know I likely drove a day and a half on a flat tire before a kind person stopped at a red light behind me honked and pointed down enough times for me to realize something was wrong with my car. Funny part is I pulled over in the nearest parking lot, looked at the back of my car to figure out what they were pointing at and still couldn't find anything wrong. I drove the rest of the way home on my flat tire, thinking maybe my care has been accelerating slow for a day or so. I took a closer look in my driveway at home before FINALLY realizing my tire was flat. I'm a quick one, huh?! I had to drive on this lovely thing for 3 days before getting my tire replaced...
2. I have had a brand new, really nice, vacuum cleaner in a box since our wedding! We registered for one for our wedding, before purchasing our house which had NO carpet. We opened it for the first time shortly after getting the carpet installed downstairs over a year and a half later.
3. We went to the lake for the 4th of July and the only pictures I took were of Cove. No family, no fireworks, just our smelly little bog doing thing like playing in the water with her best dog friend Riley...
And laying on the pile of limbs Brandon and his dad cut down...
It's sad isn't it?
4. Finally, I did not realize super glue CANNOT be used on plastic. I learned this the hard way. I had collected miscellaneous pink buttons to make a little letter art for my friend Mary's new baby. After learning she named her precious baby Hannah, I went right to work gluing down the buttons in a simple little H, for her adorable pink room. I came back hours later to realize the button looking like they were dissolving in the middle...
Whoops! I think I will stick to fabric glue now on...
So glad you have time to blog again! I got really excited when you had a new one up!
Debra, you are too funny!
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