Friday, February 13, 2009

A Little Good & A Little Bad

The economy isn't as good as we may like it to be, and this has hit pretty close to home for Brandon's family. Brandon's father lost his job at the end of last year. At first they cut his hours, but then they let him go completely. Brandon's dad has been applying for numerous jobs over the past couple months and even had several interviews. I know finding a job is not easy right now with most companies making cuts. This also means there are hundreds of out-of-work people applying for the same job, making it all the more difficult. Luckily his dad has a great personality and an awesome work ethic. He was able to land a new job with Direct TV, which he starts the week after next. We are going to celebrate the good news with them tonight!!!

On a sad note, I learned last night that one of my parent's good friends is going through a divorce. Her husband recently moved out after moving on with another woman. My heart breaks for her and their two boys. Please say a prayer for all those people going through divorces right now. I admire all those single parents out there...

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