Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Weekend in St. Louis

I just spent a fantastic weekend soaking up time with my sister (Kara) and cousin (Miles) here in St. Louis. My poor little sis has tried repeatedly to plan a trip to come visit me here at my apartment in the city, but something always seems to come up. This time we made sure and picked a weekend early in the semester so neither of our schedules would conflict, and it worked! Her and Miles rode the train here Friday night. Here is a quick run down of our weekend events: we went to the zoo and watched the polar bear play with his red ball (he was our favorite attraction at the zoo), drank some root beer from Fitz's, shopped for vintage clothes on the Loop, ate at the Spaghetti Factory on the Landing, caught a movie at the old Chase Park Cinema in the Central West End, and ate Crepes at a new little place down the street from my apartment called Crepes Etc. We also stayed up past 1 every night reminiscing and laughing. The weekend went by all to quickly for me, and I hated waving good-bye as the caught the train this afternoon. I am so happy they came. For those of you who are not familiar with my history, I am in my fifth year at St. Louis College of Pharmacy. This is my final semester before the all-time-consuming rotations start in May, so I am trying to enjoy it as much as I can. Luckily, I only have classes three days a week, so I will get to spend the majority of my weekends back in KC with my handsome husband. Even though I cherish the time I spend with Brandon, it wouldn't be fair not to mention that I survive my days at class in St. Louis thanks to my best friends Lynn and Emily. Those two can always make me laugh even in our most stressful weeks- love you both dearly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to make me cry with your last sentence! I've been getting super bummed lately thinking about you and Lynn moving back home after we graduate. :( I just found your blog from Joi's, so at least I'll be able to keep up with your life after you are gone. Maybe I'll give this whole blogging thing a try at some point. :)